Thursday, 10 September 2015

Falling for your best friend!

This happens to many of us, you meet a guy, get close and become best friends. Having a boy best friend is great they teach you all the games and reason guys do things to help you with boyfriends and are they when your heart is shattered into a million pieces. You think the friendship is great but then life throws a spanner into the works and one of you develops feelings for the other. I don't know about you but that is the worst thing in the world he's not just anyone you have a crush on he's your best friend. If he likes you back it's amazing I mean being with your best friend is great, you know everything about eachother and already know everything you need to know but when he doesn't like you back or won't admit he likes you back it's a killer. Feelings can tear a friendship apart if you don't handle it properly especially a close friendship. Personally from living through this I recommend talking to eachother and getting everything out in the open, don't hide things from eachother because it makes everything worse. Don't give him hints that you like him tell him upfront boys are terrible with hints and maybe if your confident he'll admit feelings or start to develop them. Flirt with him, ask him who he likes, be you but don't push him to far because it pushes them away and make them not want to be you friend anymore. 

Really hope this helps, 
                                  Kelexie Mai xoxo

Wednesday, 2 September 2015

Im back, Second chances!

Hiya guys it's Kelexie Mai, i'm back! And wow I can say it's good to be. Sorry I haven't posted in soooo long but hopefully I'm back for good.

Today I want to talk about second chances. Second chances are happening all around us even third, forth and fifth chances, some are deserved and some maybe not. I think most people have had a second chance at some point in their life because they have made a mistake, we all make them its life although some are more deliberate. I for one can say I have made a few mistakes in life and have received second chances but what's life if you've never made a mistake they are what put us on the better path. A piece of advise I can give about second chances is if you are lucky enough to be given one, take it and prove it was a wise decision for the other person or people. Second chances shouldn't be taken lightly and should be cherished because not many people get thirds, forths or fifths. If you have made a mistake or done something wrong don't beat your self up about it it's life and we all do it besides the saying 'everything needs a rough copy' isn't a saying for nothing. Best thing to do is pick your self back up and learn from your mistake and move on.

I really hope this helps. Have you ever made a mistake or been given a second chance? Please feel free to share in the comments.

Goodbye for now
                            Kelexie Mai xoxo

Sunday, 8 March 2015

My lazy day foundation :)

I am in love with these two products at the moment. They are light on my skin but with good coverage and last through out the day, I highly request them :) You can post in the comments your favourite foundation I'd love to see or use #foundationswithkelexiemai

Kelexie Mai

Wednesday, 11 February 2015

Valentine's Day

Hiya guys! Sorry I haven't posted in a while I've been super busy. So Valentine's Day is coming up and I'm sure most of you are exited whether your spending it with family, friends or a boyfriend/girlfriend. What are you doing? I'm spending a day watching movies with my best friend and we are going to get loads of snacks to eat and drink. If you've got any ideas for snacks, presents or any thing else you would like to share you can post it in the comments or use #valentineswithkelexiemai on Twitter and Instagram :) <3 Hope you have a great day what ever your doing or if you don't celebrate Valentine's Day and I'll talk to you soon xx

Kelexie Mai